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Cornell University

Assumption Of Risk, Waiver, And Release of Liability Agreement

If you are considering an activity or trip that presents risks to participants, you need to think about providing notice of the risks and document the participant’s assumption of risk, waiver of rights, and release of claims if an accident or injury arises.

When is a Waiver required: A waiver should be used for activities that have inherent risk, particularly those involving physical activities that can result in bodily injury or property damage or any off-campus travel even if it is local.

  1. When minors are involved. Please refer to Children and Youth Safety at Cornell for additional information.
  2. High-risk and/or unusual activities that could cause serious injury or death (tournaments, club sports, games, bounce houses/Inflatables, rides, obstacle courses, etc.)
  3. Events with overnight stays
  4. Trips/events off campus
  5. Third parties using Cornell facilities
  6. Recreational activities (i.e. swimming, soccer, pie in the face, etc.)
  7. Driving your personal vehicle for a class trip.

If you require an Assumption of Risk & Release Form for your Travel, Event, or Program contact Risk Management for a risk assessment of your event/trip and an evaluation of the requirement for an Assumption of Risk & Release Form.

Completed Waivers must be retained by the Department/Unit or organization for as per Cornell policy 4.7-Retention of University Records. The waivers must be saved in a location where Cornell can locate them in the case of a legal claim against your department/Org and/or Cornell.

University Record Retention, University Policy 4.7: Cornell University requires that university records be disposed of or retained for specific periods of time in accordance with legal or other institutional requirements, or for historical value. The university has designated official repositories to manage the retention and disposal of these records.

If A Student Is Under the Age Of 18, Then the Student’s Parent or Legal Guardian Must Complete and Sign a Parental Permission Waiver.

To request Waiver of Liability and Release please complete the Domestic Travel Questionnaire in campusgroups.

For International travels please provide the Office of Risk Management and Insurance with the following information:

  1. Travel Destination:
  2. Travel Date(s):
  3. Department/Organization:
  4.  What type of Study Abroad Programs? (Class Field Trip, Faculty-Led Program, Research Program, Exchange Program, Direct Enrollment, Experimental or Independent Study etc.,)
  5. Provide a detailed description and purpose of this Trip:
  6. What is the Estimated number of participants for this event/trip?
  7. Will the participants engage in any physical activity? If yes, please provide a detailed description and purpose of said activities.
  8. Will there be non-Cornell participants?
  9. Will there be minors (persons who are under eighteen (18) years of age) traveling on this trip?
  10. Are the arrangements for this trip made through Cornell Procurement Services? (Please note that procurement has preferred vendors for lodging and transportation)
  11. Who is responsible for purchasing the Airline/bus tickets? (Please refer to the Shared Services Center for more information)
  12. Will anyone be driving a privately owned vehicle? (Driving Internationally requires approval from RMI)
  13. Will alcohol be served at any time during this trip?
  14. What are the risks associated with this trip? Please advise what plan(s) you have in place to prevent or reduce such risk.
  15. Has everyone read the following policiesCornell Code of Conduct, International Travel Policy, and the Cornell Travel Policy


Inflatables and Bounce Houses

Dangerous Activities

Activities posing a risk of neck or spinal injuries